Data gathering

  • Red flags – abdo pain, fever
  • Others – LMP, consent, spoken to someone about this, alternatives (counselling, adoption), pressurised, DV
  • Examine – BP, BMI, abdominal examination


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Pregnancy test
    • Urine NAAT – chlamydia
    • Bloods – rhesus
  • Explanation / Treatment
    • counselling – pregnancy advisory service
    • different types depending on how far the pregnancy is (usually woman’s choice)
    • Medical TOP –
      • up to 9 weeks – attend hospital on two separate days, given medications that block the pregnancy from continuing and that make your womb contract to cause the products of pregnancy to be expelled
    • Surgical TOP –
      • 7-15 weeks – suction tube to remove womb contents
      • > 15 weeks – dilatation and evacuation – neck of womb is dilated and contents expelled
    • Refer for TOP clinic
  • Follow Up
    • post TOP counselling and contraception
  • Safety Net
    • see dr if abdo pain, fever, or heavy PV bleeding (complications – infection, bleeding, injury)