
Data gathering

  • Red flags – balance, coordination, limb weakness, COCP
  • Others – triggers, n&v, visual symptoms, photophobia
  • Examine – BP, CN, PNS upper/lower, fundoscopy


Clinical management

  • Explanation
    • exact mechanism unknown, spasming and subsequent widening of blood vessels thought to contribute
  • Treatment
    • Lifestyle – Avoid triggers
    • Acute – triptans, NSAIDs, paracetamol, anti-emetic
    • Prophylaxis – topiramate (if not child bearing), propranolol
  • Follow-up / Safety net – if worsening, weakness, balance affected, rw again



  • take as soon as pain starts
  • can take again after 24 hours
  • CI: MI, Stroke, PVD
  • can get medication induced headache if taken too often