Recurrent UTIs

NB: Excludes pregnant patients

  • Definition
    • 2 or more separate UTIs in 6 months
    • 3 or more separate UTIs in 12 months
    • (Recurrence of a UTI within 2 weeks is a relapse and indicates treatment failure)

Clinical management

  • Urine
    • Dipstick, MSU
  • Bloods
    • FBC, U+Es, TFTs, HbA1c
  • USS KUB pre and post micturition
    • If abnormal -> refer to urology
    • If normal -> see below
  • If normal investigations
    • Step 1
    • Step 2
      • Consider prophylactic antibiotic
        • Nitrofurantoin 100mg MR nocte – beware pulmonary reactions
        • Ciprofloxacin 500mg OD
        • Trimethorim 100mg nocte
      • Methenamine hippurate 1g BD
      • Consider post-coital antibiotics
        • Nitrofurantoin 100mg stat
        • Ciprofloxacin 500mg stat
        • Trimethoprim 100mg stat
    • Step 3
      • If no response after 3-6 months, refer to urology