
Differential diagnosis

  • Cardio – palpitations, chest pain, light headedness
  • Neuro – shakes, tongue biting
  • Vasovagal – standing
  • PE
  • Infection – fever, rash


Data gathering

  • Red flags – on exertion, heart failure, new SOB, FHx sudden death, murmur, abnormal ECG
  • Others – cardiac, neurological, before/during/after
  • Examine – BP lying/standing, pulse, CVS, neurological


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – FBC, U+Es, TFTs, HbA1c
    • ECG
  • Explanation
    • Seizure – burst of abnormal electrical activity in the brain
    • Collapse – diminished blood supply to the brain
  • Treatment
    • Refer first seizure clinic – EEG, MRI
    • DVLA
  • Follow-up / Safety net