
Data gathering

  • Red flags
  • Others – weight, tired, skin/hair, bowel, periods, mood
  • Examine – pulse, BP, CVS, thyroid, reflexes


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – TFTs
  • Explanation
    • thyroxine is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland that helps with body functions such as periods, mood, bowels. having an underactive thyroid can slow some of these processes leading to constipation, dry skin, change in periods
  • Treatment
    • Levothyroxine 50mcg OD (even if asymptomatic but TSH > 10)
      • Start at 25mcg if >50yo/heart disease
      • Increase in 25mcg increments after 6 weekly TFTs
  • Follow-up / Safety-net
    • Check TFTs 6 weeks after and then annually