
Differential diagnosis

  • Primary
    • No periods by the age of 16 (or 14 if no secondary sexual characteristics)
  • Secondary
    • PCOS – acne, hirsutism
    • Prolactinoma – headache, visual changes, galactorrhoea
    • Pregnancy – LMP
    • Weight loss – exercise, stress
    • Premature ovarian failure – hot flushes, vaginal dryness
    • Others – thyroid, medications


Data gathering

  • Red flags – see prolactinoma, ovarian failure
  • Others – ever had period, pregnancy, abdo pain, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, weight change, diet, exercise, stress
  • Examination – BMI, secondary sexual characteristics, visual fields


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – TFTs, LH, FSH, prolactin, HbA1c, testosterone, SHBG
    • Pregnancy test
    • USS pelvis
  • Explanation
    • several reasons inc hormonal changes (from pregnancy, menopause, breastfeeding), contraception, surgery, medical condition (e.g. thyroid)
  • Treatment
    • Primary
      • refer if no periods by 14 years old (and no breasts/pubic hair) otherwise by 16 years old
    • Secondary
      • treat underlying cause, refer if cause not established
  • Follow-up / Safety net – PIL
    • Consider referral if persisting > 6 months
    • Delay investigation until 9 months if obvious cause e.g. active sports person