Chest pain

Differential diagnosis

  • Cardiovascular
    • Stable angina
      • Typical for patient
      • Constricting discomfort on exertion
      • Resolves at rest/GTN within 5 minutes
    • ACS
      • Pain at rest
      • Increasing in frequency
      • Nausea, sweats, lightheadedness
      • Radiation to left arm/jaw
      • CV risk factors
      • Duration > 15 minutes
    • Pericarditis
      • Worse on inspiration
      • Relieved by sitting forward
      • Fever
      • Pericardial rub
    • Acute thoracic dissection
      • Radiates to back
      • Inequal pulses/BP in arms
      • Early diastolic murmur
      • Uncontrolled BP
    • Arrhythmia
      • Palpitations
      • Lightheadedness
      • Breathlessness
    • Aortic stenosis
      • Ejection systolic murmur
      • LVH on ECG
      • Breathlessness
      • Syncope
    • HOCM
      • FH cardiomyopathy
      • Sickle cell disease
    • CCF
      • Ankle swelling
      • Orthopnoea
      • PND
      • Breathlessness
      • Cough
      • Raised JVP
  • Respiratory
    • PE
      • Haemoptysis
      • Pleuritic
      • COCP
      • Smoking
      • Long haul travel
      • Recent surgery
      • Malignancy
    • Pneumonia
      • Fever
      • Cough
  • GI
    • Dyspepsia
      • Heartburn, reflux, nausea
      • Relation to food
  • Other
    • Musculoskeletal
      • Worse on palpation
      • Worse with certain movements


Data gathering

  • Red flags
    • See above
  • Examine
    • BP, (both arms) pulse (both arms)
    • Temperature, Sats
    • CVS, Resp
    • Calves, Chest wall tenderness


Clinical management

  • Treat as per cause
  • If not urgent, consider
    • Investigations
      • Bloods – FBC, U+E, LFTs, TFTs, CRP, HbA1c, lipids
      • ECG
      • CXR
  • Treatment
    • Assess likelihood of CAD (see below)
      • If <10% likelihood of coronary artery disease
        • Consider non cardiac causes
      • If >10% likelihood of coronary artery disease
        • Refer rapid access chest pain clinic (if new angina) + aspirin 75mg OD
        • Refer cardiology clinic (if known IHD)

 Table to assess likelihood of CAD