Peripheral Vascular Disease

Data gathering

  • Red flags – rest pain, colour changes in foot, calf swelling, leg numbness, night pain
  • Others – exercise tolerance
  • Examine – BP, pulse, BMI, CV, leg (temp/colour/pulses/skin)


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – FBC, U+Es, cholesterol, HbA1c
    • ECG
    • ABPI
    • Doppler
  • Explanation
    • narrowing of arteries that supply blood to legs – due to fatty plaques developing on inside lining
  • Treatment
    • Lifestyle – stop smoking, exercise, weight loss, reduce alcohol intake
    • Footcare – regular self inspection +- podiatry
    • Medications – clopidogrel/statins
  • Follow-up / Safety net – Refer to vascular if – rest pain, absent foot pulses, pallor or evidence of gangrene


  • Critical ischaemia = rest pain, absent foot pulses, impaired wound healing, ABPI <0.5
  • Acute ischaemic limb – pale, pain, pulseless, paralysis, paraesthesia, perishingly cold