ALT – Hepatitic LFTs with normal bilirubin

Data gathering

  • Hepatotoxic drugs
  • Alcohol, illicit drug use
  • Blood transfusions
  • New sexual partners
  • FH
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • BMI


Clinical management

  • ALT < 300
    • Repeat within 1 month with AST, GGT, FBC
    • If persistently raised, consider
      • USS abdo/liver
      • Bloods: HBV, HCV, Autoantibodies, Ferritin, Transferrin saturation, Caeruloplasmin, Immunoglobulins, a1-antitrypsin, USS abdo/liver
        • normal
          • manage in primary care – lifestyle advice and repeat LFTs in 1 year
        • abnormal
          • Refer to Hepatology (?viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, PSC, PBC, autoimmune hepatitis, gallstone disease, hepatic vascular disorders, hepatic metabolic disorders, hepatic malignancy, biliary malignancy)
  • ALT > 300
    • Discuss with gastroenterology oncall and consider urgent tests