
Data gathering

  • Site
    • the absence of trauma
    • 5 or more bruises of >1cm in diameter occurring simultaneously
    • face/torso
  • Nutritional status
    • Vulnerable, malabsorption
  • Family history
  • Previous bleeding problems
    • Heavy periods, transfusions after surgery
  • Risk factors for liver disease
    • Alcohol, IV drug use
  • Medications
    • NSAIDs, Antiplatelets, Anticoagulants, Steroids

Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – FBC, U+E, LFTs, Blood film, Clotting screen, INR (if on warfarin)
  • Management
    • Stop offending medication
    • If deficiency suspected – Consider trial of vitamin C or K
  • Refer
    • Significant bleeding history
    • Positive family history, especially in women with menorrhagia
    • Abnormal blood results
    • Patient is pregnant or due to have elective surgery


BMJ 2017;356:j251