
Data gathering

  • Red flags
    • Chest pain, Breathless, Lightheaded, Clammy, LOC, Exertional
    • PMH: pre-existing heart disease
    • FH: sudden cardiac death
    • Abnormal resting ECG
  • Others
    • Caffeine, anxiety
    • Frequency
    • Triggers
    • SH: alcohol, smoking
    • Non-cardiac causes
      • Thyrotoxicosis
      • Anaemia
      • Sepsis
  • Examine
    • BP, pulse
    • Signs of anaemia
    • CV examination
    • Thyroid examination


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods
      • FBC, U+E, LFTs, TFTs, HbA1c, cholesterol
    • ECG
    • Echo
      • If murmur, suspected heart failure or structural heart disease (LBBB, LVH, Q-waves)
    • 24hr ECG
    • Event recorder (if infrequent symptoms)
  • Explanation
    • The term ‘palpitations’ is used when we are aware of our heart beating. Common causes: caffeine, smoking, overactive thyroid, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms.
  • Treatment
    • Ectopics
      • <5% but otherwise normal ECG and no structural heart disease
        • Reassure, reduce stress/caffeine/alcohol/smoking/drugs
        • consider beta-blocker
    • DVLA
      • If syncope or cardiac cause
  • Follow-up / Safety net
    • Refer
      • SVT
      • Atrial flutter, atrial tachycardia
      • Ventricular tachycardia
      • Ectopics with abnormal ECG or evidence of structural heart disease
      • Red flags (unless unstable in which case, admit)