
Data gathering

  • Red flags – IMB, PCB, weight loss
  • Others – periods, abdo pain, back pain, urinary symptoms
  • Examine – abdo, pelvis, speculum


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – FBC
    • Pelvic USS
  • Explanation
    • fibroids are noncancerous growths in the womb causing symptoms such as heavy periods, abdominal swelling, urinary problems.
    • Can get larger with age and pregnancy and get smaller after menopause.
  • Treatment
    • Watch and wait
    • Medications – tranexamic acid, NSAIDs, COCP
    • Mirena coil – sometimes difficult to insert
    • Refer – medications to shrink, uterine artery embolisation, myomectomy, hysterectomy
  • Follow-up / Safety-net – PIL, review if not improved for referral