Rectal bleeding

Data gathering

  • Red flags – weight loss, change in bowel habit, abdo pain, fevers
  • Others – pain on defaecation, itching, constipation
  • Examine – abdominal exam, PR exam


Clinical management

  • Investigations
    • Bloods – FBC, U+Es, LFTs, Ferritin, ESR, CRP, clotting
    • Stool – MC&S
  • Explanation
    • a small tube with a tiny camera is inserted into the back passage to investigate the cause of the bleeding
  • Treatment
    • Depends on cause
      • Fissure – dietary and fluid advice, GTN ointment and stool softeners for 8 weeks
      • Haemorrhoids – dietary and fluid advice, OTC haemorrhoid creams
  • Follow-up / Safety-net
    • Refer
      • failed conservative treatemnt for fissure/haemorrhoids after 6 weeks
    • 2 week wait
      • 40yo + weight loss + abdo pain
      • 50yo + PR bleed
      • 60yo + iron def anaemia or bowel habit changes
