
Differential diagnosis

  • Arthropathy
  • Erythroderma – widespread fluid filled spots


Data gathering

  • Red flags – joint pains, fluid filled spots on body, eye symptoms
  • Others – nails, scalp, medications
  • Examine – location, skin, scalp, nails, joints, eyes


Clinical management

  • Explanation
    • Faster turnover of skin cells – leads to a buildup of cells on the top layer of skin causing plaques to form – not clear why this occurs
    • Not due to infection. Cannot be passed on
    • Triggers – stress, infections, medications, smoking
    • Sometimes people with psoriasis get nail and joint problems
    • Flare-ups happen
  • Treatment
    • Lifestyle – avoid triggers, stop smoking, exercise, healthy diet
    • Emollients
    • Vitamin D based creams – reduces rate of cell division
    • Steroid creams – reduce inflammation
    • First line – Dovobet – vitamin D + steroid cream – use until improvement (max 4 weeks) then step down to just vitamin D (calcipotriol)
  • Follow-up / Safety net
    • Refer
      • severe, extensive, poor response to treatment, social and psychological problems, arthropathy
    • Admit
      • if widespread pustules ?erythroderma
    • Annual CV review – BP, BMI, bloods


Specific treatments

  • Chronic plaque
    • First line
      • Emollients/coal tar prep e.g. Evorex
    • Second line
      • Calcipotriol oinment (Dovonex – avoid face/flexures) for 8/52 + moderate steroid for 7 days
        • Calcitriol (Silkis) ointment less irriating than calcipotriol in long term treatment
    • Others
      • Diprosalic – for thick scale
      • Dithrocreme – for large plaques with gradual increase in concentration
  • Palms and soles
    • very potent steroid e.g. Dermovate for 4 weeks
    • Diprosalic – thick scale
    • Emollients under occlusion
  • Flexural/genital/breasts
    • Emollients/coal tar prep e.g. Evorex
    • Consider steroid/antifungal/antibacterial – Trimovate 2-4 weeks
    • Calcitriol for longer term use
  • Guttae
    • Emollients
    • Consider early referral for phototherapy
  • Face
    • Mild steroid OD or BD for up to 4 weeks
    • Coal tar prep e.g. Alphosyl HC sparingly for 2 weeks
    • nb: calcipotriol can only be used on hair margins/ears – may be better to use calcitriol
  • Scalp
    • First line:
      • Tar based shampoo e.g. polytar liquid
      • Diprosalic scalp solution – if thick scale, leave overnight and wash off in the morning
    • Second line
      • Calcipotriol scalp application
    • Third line
      • Betamethasone valerate 0.1% scalp application up to 4 weeks
    • Fourth line
      • Steroid/calcitriol e.g. Xamiol
    • Fifth line
      • Etrivex shampoo – leave on for 15 minutes – max 4 weeks
  • Nail
    • Nail varnish, avoid manicure
    • Treat co-exisitng fungal infections
    • Difficult to treat – consider referral to podiatry if severe