Fever in a child

Paediatric vital signs

0-3 months 30-60 110-160
3-12 months 25-50 100-150
1-4 years 20-40 90-120
4-12 years 20-30 70-110
>12 years 12-16 60-100


Data gathering – History

  • Red flags
    • Drowsy
    • Reduced feeding (<50%)
    • Reduced urine output
    • Long pauses in breathing
    • Blue lips
    • Temp > 38c in a less than three month old
    • Non-blanching rash
    • Neck stiffness
  • Others
    • Vomiting
    • Bowels
    • Fever
    • Travel


Data gathering – Examination

  • Vital signs
    • Temperature | RR | HR | CRT
  • General
    • Alertness
    • Colour
    • Temperature of extremities
    • Mucous membranes
    • Fontanelle
  • Body systems
    • Chest – signs of respiratory distress (nasal flaring, tachypnoea, use of accessory muscles)
    • CV
    • Abdomen
    • ENT


Clinical management

  • Treatment
    • Depends on condition
  • Follow-up
  • Safety-net
    • Fever > 5 days
    • Child looks less well after review or carer is more worried since last review
    • Red flags mentioned above


Risk factors

  • PMH
    • Lung/Heart/Neuromuscular disease
    • Immunosuppressed
  • Age
    • < 6 weeks (corrected)
  • Pregnancy and delivery
    • Prematurity (< 35 weeks)
  • Re-attendance
  • Parental smoking


Differential diagnosis

  • Meningococcal disease
    • Non blanching rash, ill looking, purpura, CRT > 3s, neck stiffness, bulging fontanelle
  • Herpes simplex encephalitis
    • Focal neurological signs, focal seizures, reduced GCS
  • Pneumonia
    • Tachypnoea, nasal flaring, chest indrawing, cyanosis, crackles in chest, abdo/chest pain
  • UTI (presentation depends on age)
    • fever alone if under 3 months
    • Vomiting, reduced feeding, lethargy, abdominal pain, urinary frequency, dysuria
  • Septic arthritis
    • Swelling of limb or joint, not using limb
  • Kawasaki disease
    • Fever >5d
    • Bilateral conjunctivitis
    • Mucous membranes – red throat, dry cracked lips, strawberry tongue
    • Extremities – oedema, erythema, desquamation polymorphous rash, cervical lymphadenopathy