

  • Infection
  • Allergy
  • Chronic congestion

Data gathering

  • History
    • Fevers
    • Purulent unilateral nasal discharge
    • Facial fullness
    • Facial pain
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Myalgia
    • Watering eyes
    • Smell disturbance
    • Previous treatments
  • Examine
    • Temp | HR
    • Nose – anterior rhinoscopy (using otoscope)
      • nasal polyps, mucosal swelling, septal changes

Clinical management

  • Treatment
    • Mild
      • paracetamol, saline nasal irrigation, warm face pads, fluids, rest
    • Moderate
      • intranasal steroids for up to 3 months
    • Severe (discoloured discharge, severe local pain, fever, worse after initial recovery)
    • Chronic
      • Nasal saline
      • Intranasal steroids (consider PO prednisolone 30mg for 7 days if polyps present)
  • Follow-up / Safety-net

Intranasal steroids

  • 1st line
    • Beclometasone dipropionate 50mcg nasal spray
      • 2 sprays each nostril BD
  • 2nd line
    • Mometasone furoate 50mcg nasal spray
      • 2 sprays each nostril OD
  • 3rd line
    • Fluticasone furoate (Avamys)
      • 2 sprays each nostril OD
  • NB: important to emphasise technique and duration of treatment