Assess stage of AKI

  • Stage 1 – Creatinine rise of 26μmol/L within 48 hours (or rise in baseline >1.5 times)
  • Stage 2 – Creatinine rise > 2 times baseline
  • Stage 3 – Creatinine rise of > 354 μmol/L (or rise in baseline > 3 times)


Assess the patient

  • Medications
    • ACEI/ARB
    • Diuretics
    • NSAIDs
    • Metformin
    • PPI
    • Recent contrast
  • Assess hydration
  • Check BP
  • Urine dipstick
    • if infection – avoid trimethoprim/nitrofurantoin
    • if blood/protein – consider intrinsic renal problem
  • Exclude palpable bladder
  • Consider risk factors – age > 65, CKD, previous AKI, falls with long lie, diabetes, vascular/heart/liver disease, malignancy



  • Stage 1 – repeat U+Es in 5-7 days
  • Stage 2 – repeat U+Es in 48 hours + USS KUB
  • Stage 3 – refer immediately to local renal team


Other reasons for immediate referral to local renal team

  • New finding of blood++ or protein++ on dipstick (in absence of UTI, regardless of stage)
  • Systemic symptoms – vasculitic rash, epistaxis, haemoptysis
  • Kidney transplant
  • AKI on CKD stage 4 or greater
  • Inadequate response to initial treatment
  • Obstruction suspected – refer to urology


Source: “KCH Adult Acute Kidney Injury Care Pathway for Primary Care ”